The Colours of Resistance Archive is a collection of analysis and tools for liberatory organizing and movement-building.

Category: Organizing Tools

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Reflections and Thoughts on White Anti-Racist Organizing from radicals of color and white anti-racists

1. maria poblet, housing rights organizer in the immigrant latino community white people need to organize white people. most white radicals choose to focus their work on organizing third world communities, educating white activists, or activism with middle class people. … Continue reading

What I Wish I Knew: My Own Goals for Anti-Racist Practice

These are some principles that I’ve developed for myself so that I can stay focused on actually doing anti-racist work, rather than thinking and talking about it a whole lot. These all come straight from lessons I’ve learned from my … Continue reading

Anti-oppression training groups in the US

This list of anti-oppression trainers was compiled by School of the Americas Watch.

The Past Didn’t Go Anywhere: Making Resistance to Antisemitism Part of All of Our Movements

This 32-page pamphlet is geared towards activists wanting to to build powerful movements and take on antisemitism for what it is:  “a divide-and-rule strategy that has served to maintain ruling classes, conceal who actually has power, and confuse us about … Continue reading

A Katrina Reader

A Katrina Reader is dedicated to all the Katrina Survivors and Grassroots Racial Justice Organizations of New Orleans, who are fighting for the Right of Return of all ‘Internally Displaced Persons,’ and the Right to Rebuild New Orleans and the … Continue reading

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