The Colours of Resistance Archive is a collection of analysis and tools for liberatory organizing and movement-building.

Topic: FTAA

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From Protest to Resistance: a radical look at the FTAA

Click here to listen to link to audio recordings from this event held on Jan.25th, 2001 in Toronto Canada. Speakers at the event were: George, Anti-Racist Action (Toronto) Fernando Hernandez, Food for Chiapas (Toronto) Sue Collis, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, … Continue reading

We Can Do This: Direct Action against Global Capitalism and US Imperialism: An interview with Ingrid Chapman

Ingrid Chapman has been involved in direct action organizing for the past 4 years. At 23, she has helped pull off successful mass actions, worked with thousands of activists around the country and bases her work in the question, “How … Continue reading

Statement of Leonard Peltier on the FTAA

Dear Brothers, Sisters, Friends and Supporters, I know many of you are already familiar with the FTAA, NAFTA, the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank. I know many of you are working hard to expose what these organizations and … Continue reading

Plan Colombia, FTAA and Black Communities in the Process of Global Struggle

The US Congress has allocated $1.3 billion to the government of Colombia for a military intervention which was denominated Plan Colombia. The official purpose of this ‘Plan’ is to put an end to the illegal growing of coca by destroying … Continue reading

Free trade, racial oppression, and how we can respond

[The following is adapted from a presentation at the “From Protest to Resistance: a radical look at the FTAA” forum hosted by Anti-Racist Action. Toronto, January 25, 2001.] I’ve been asked to come here today to talk about the effects … Continue reading

Stick ’em up motherfucker! An anti-fascist perspective on the movements against global capitalism

On April 20-22, 2001, thousands of people will converge on Quebec City to oppose the Summit of the Americas, the so-called Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) and capitalism in general. Among them will be a strong contingent from … Continue reading

Anti-Racist Organizing: Reflecting on Lessons from Quebec City

“Parlez francais ici, hostie! Go back your country! Go back your country! C’est mon pays, pas ton pays.” [Translation: “Speak French here, &%$/*! Go back to your country! This is my country, not your country.”] These are the words a … Continue reading

Doing things differently this time: Kananaskis G8 meeting and movement building

The next meeting of the Group of Eight (G8) is taking place in Kananaskis Country, Alberta, ‘canada’*. The previous G8 meeting in Genoa, Italy was the target of massive protests and intense police/state repression, in which 23 year old Carlo … Continue reading

Neoliberal Globalization: Cancún and Beyond

Segment From The Report: Neoliberal Globalization: Cancun and Beyond Click here to download the full PDF article. “The corporate caterpillars come into our backyards and turn the world to pocket change… They preach from the pulpit of the bottom line. … Continue reading

Stop the FTAA and White Paternalism

In the aftermath of the Seattle N30 protests four years ago, there was a lot of healthy discussion about the role that racism and white paternalism played in inhibiting effective organizing. While no one may have to write “Where was … Continue reading

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