The Colours of Resistance Archive is a collection of analysis and tools for liberatory organizing and movement-building.

Topic: Roger White

Our Own Traditions: anti-authoritarianism in our histories of struggle

This essay appears in Post Colonial Anarchism: Essays on race, repression and culture in communities of color 1999-2004. Access the complete book here Although many non-white anti-authoritarian traditions never self-identified as anarchist (many were in existence before the word was … Continue reading

Post Colonial Anarchism: Essays on race, repression and culture in communities of color 1999-2004

Full text available here Introduction It’s not immediately clear that anarchists of color (APOC), as a group, have any basic philosophical or strategic differences with our white allies and fellow travelers in the ‘movement.’ We don’t exist as a formal, … Continue reading

Post Colonial Anarchism

This essay appears in Post Colonial Anarchism: Essays on race, repression and culture in communities of color 1999-2004. Access the complete book here I should be clear up front. I’m not a nationalist. Nor am I a tribalist, nor an … Continue reading

How can we dance? A brief look at Post Left Anarchism

This essay appears in Post Colonial Anarchism: Essays on race, repression and culture in communities of color 1999-2004. Access the complete book here As far as I can tell the most recent calls for anarchists to leave their leftist associations … Continue reading

Identity Politics and Essentialism

This essay appears in Post Colonial Anarchism: Essays on race, repression and culture in communities of color 1999-2004. Access the complete book here Is anyone who has ever defined their political work through a social category historically associated with inferiority … Continue reading