The Colours of Resistance Archive is a collection of analysis and tools for liberatory organizing and movement-building.


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Environmental Racism

Refers to racial discrimination in environmental policy-making and the enforcement of regulations and laws; the deliberate targeting of communities of colour for toxic waste facilities; the official sanctioning of the life threatening presence of poisons and pollutants in our communities; … Continue reading

Environmental Justice

Is about equal and fair access to a healthy environment; equal enforcement of environmental regulations; and a movement to protect communities of colour and poor communities from environmental hazards.

Economic Justice

Is a conviction that economic policies must result in benefits that are distributed equally across income and racial lines; that jobs created by state and local tax incentives must go to local people and taxpayers; and that the health, natural … Continue reading

Developing Country

Is one of many terms used to refer to nations of the “South,” primarily former colonies that remain impoverished by a global economy dominated by Northern industrial nations. Other terms include “Third World” and “less developed countries.” There is much … Continue reading

Contingent Workers

Are people who are employed based on the needs of the employer, without any job security or long-term commitments. Includes part-time workers, temporary and contract workers, and, in some cases, self-employed workers and independent contractors.


Is an economic system in which products are produced for profit using privately owned capital goods and wage labor. Capitalism is the main economic system in North America, as well as in most other countries.

Global Economic Restructuring

Refers to a specific set of policies promoted by governments, corporations, financial institutions, and the economic elite to promote a particular model of economic development – that of global capitalism. This model promotes free trade, production for the global market, … Continue reading


Presence without meaningful participation. For example, a superficial invitation for participation without ongoing dialogue and support, handpicked representatives who are expected to speak for the whole (socially oppressed) group (e.g. “tell us how women experience this issue”). Tokenism is often … Continue reading


Unwanted attention or behaviour, whether a single incident or an ongoing dynamic, which has the impact of creating a climate of hostility, jeopardizing someone’s comfort, ability to participate, and/or access (e.g. in workplace, public place, service or event). Usually the … Continue reading


The normalization of able-bodied persons resulting in the privilege of “normal ability” and the oppression and exclusion of people with disabilities at many levels in society. Ableism involves both denying access to people with disabilities and exclusive attitudes of able-bodied … Continue reading

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