Articles and Analysis
List of Popular Topics
These are some popular topics covered by our articles.
- "nation of immigrants"
- 9-11
- 9/11
- 21 October 2001
- A16
- abolition
- Abu Ghraib
- abuse
- Active Solidarity Collective
- activism
- Aid to Dependent Children
- Alejandro Bendana
- Allan G. Johnson
- alliance building
- ally
- Amadee Braxton
- Amadou Diallo
- Amanda Klonsky
- Amber McZeal
- America
- anarchism
- anarchist
- Anarchist Panther
- Anarchist People of Color
- Andrea del Moral
- Andy Cornell
- Anne Braden
- anti-authoritarian
- anti-globalization
- anti-oppression
- anti-racist
- Anti-Racist Action
- anti-sexism
- anti-war
- antisemitism
- April Rosenblum
- Arsenal
- Ashanti Alston
- Audre Lorde
- Australia
- Aziz Choudry
- B. Deutsch
- Barbara Karens
- Barbara Smith
- basil
- bell hooks
- Betsy Hartmann
- Beverly Keene
- Beverly Tatum
- Bike-Aid
- billie
- billie rain
- black
- black block
- black feminist
- Black Liberation Army
- black nationalism
- Black Panthers
- Black Power
- Black Radical Congress
- Bob Wing
- Booker T. Washington
- Brielle Epstein
- Bronwyn Mauldin
- by Linda Burnham
- Canada
- Canadian Labour Congress
- Cancun
- caregiver
- Carlos Fernandez
- Catalyst Project
- Catherine Jones
- Challenging White Supremacy Collective
- Charles Payne
- Cherrie Moraga
- Cheryl Brown
- Chicano Studies
- child abuse
- China
- Chris Crass
- Chris Dixon
- Christian
- civil society
- Clamor
- Clare Bayard
- class struggle
- Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees
- Coalition of Immokalee Workers
- colin
- Colin Rajah
- collective
- colonial
- colonialism
- ColorLines
- Colours of Resistance
- Columbia
- commons
- communities of color
- Community Action Notes
- conference
- consensus
- conservation
- consumerism
- critical resistance
- Crusades
- Curtis Muhammad
- Dale Maharidge
- Dan Berger
- Daniel Burton Rose
- Daniel Moynihan
- Daraka Larimore-Hall
- Dara Silverman
- David Gilbert
- David R. Roediger
- David Wellman
- Deborah K. King
- demands
- democract
- Democractic National Convention
- democrat
- democratic
- Dennis Brutus
- dependency
- direct action
- Dudley George
- Durban
- Earth First
- Eddie Yuen
- education
- Eileen Wingfield
- Elaine Bernard
- elders
- election
- Elizabeth 'Betita' Martinez
- Elizabeth ‘Betita’ Martinez
- Ella Baker
- Ella Goldman
- empire
- environment
- Eqbal Ahmad
- Ernesto Aguilar
- Errol Schweizer
- essentialism
- feminism
- Food not Bombs
- foreign policy
- Frances M. Beal
- Frank Fernandez
- Freedom Road
- G8
- gabriel sayegh
- Gandhi
- gay
- gender
- gender liberation
- genocide
- George Katsiaficas
- Georgia Citizen's Coalition on Hunger
- Georgine Kengne
- global
- Global Justice
- Global South
- globilization
- Gloria Anzaldúa
- greening
- Guy Izhak Austrian
- Hakim Bey
- Hanna Petros
- Hans Bennett
- Harriet Tubman
- Harsha Walia
- hate
- health
- HeartAttack
- Helen Luu
- Hilda Lini
- homophobia
- hope
- Howard Winant
- I.E. Igariwey
- identity
- Igboland
- immigrant
- immigration
- imperialism
- India
- Indian Act
- indigenous
- indigenous communities
- Ingrid Chapman
- Institute for MultiRacial Justice
- Institute for Social Ecology
- intergenerational
- Israel
- Isreal
- J. Sakai
- Jaggi Singh
- James Baldwin
- Jandamarra
- Jason Wade
- jenn
- Jennica B.
- Jessica Woodroffe
- Jews
- Jews Against the Occupation
- Jill Shenker
- John Africa
- John Brown
- John Zerzan
- Jubilee South
- JustAct
- Just For Us
- Justice For Janitors
- Justin Podur
- Kahnawake
- Kahniankehaka
- Kanehsatake
- Karin Aguilar-San Juan
- Kate Rubin
- Katrina
- Kelly Weigel
- Kendall Clark
- Kenneth O'Reilly
- Kent Wong
- Kenyon Farrow
- Kevin Buzzacott
- Landless Workers Movement
- Lars Din
- Laura Close
- Laura McNeill
- leadership
- Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
- Left Turn
- Leninism
- Leonard Peltier
- Lesley Marmon Silko
- Leslie Feinberg
- liberation
- Lidy Nacpil
- Linda Burnham
- Lisa Sousa
- Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
- Los Angeles Direct Action Network
- Louisville
- Low-Income Families Fighting Together
- M. Annette Jaimes
- Maia Ramnath
- male privilege
- Malik Guevara
- Manning Marable
- Maricela Guzman
- Marika Schwandt
- Marilyn Albert
- Mark Ellis-Jones
- Marla Zubel
- marriage
- Massachusetts Neighbor to Neighbor
- mass mobilization
- Maurice Glele-Ahanhanz
- Max Elbaum
- Max Uhlenbeck
- Mayaba Liebenthal
- Maya Dempster
- media
- Melca Salvador
- mentoring
- Miami
- Miami Free Trade Zone
- Miami Workers Center
- Michael Omi
- Michelle O’Brien
- Mike Donovan
- Mike Krebs
- Mililani Trask
- military
- Mimi Abramovitz
- Mohawk
- monkeyfist collective
- Montreal
- Mother's Pension
- Movement for Justice
- Mumia Abu-Jamal
- muslim
- Muslims
- Nadine
- Naomi Klein
- National Conference on Organized Resistance
- National Labor Relations Act
- National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
- National Organizers Alliance
- Native Friendship Centre
- Nauru
- neoliberalism
- New Labor Forum
- New Orleans
- New York Coalition for Peace and Justice
- Nizah Morris
- No One Is Illegal
- Nora Butler Burke
- No Surrender
- Nrinder Nindy Kaur Nann
- Olympic Bid
- Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
- Open Flows A Trans/Actions Blueprint
- oppression
- Ora Ruah Wise
- organizing
- Otto Nomous
- Palestine
- Patricia Hill Collins
- Patrick Dorismond
- Pauline Hwang
- Paul Kivel
- Peggy McIntosh
- People's Institute for Survivial and Beyond
- People's Tribunal
- People of Color
- Philadelphia Direct Action Group
- Philippines
- Pinay
- Plan Columbia
- police
- politics
- population control
- Post Colonial Anarchism
- power
- Power U Center for Social Change
- president
- prison
- process
- Profane Existence
- Project South
- prostitution
- Protest Culture
- quebec
- Quebec City
- qwo-li
- Racial Justice
- racial profiling
- racism
- racism. organizing
- Radha D'Souza
- radical social justice movement
- Rahula Janowksi
- Rahula Janowski
- Ramona Africa
- reparations
- republican
- resistance
- resistance to racism
- Revolution in the Air
- Ricardo Flores Mago
- right-wing
- Rise Up!
- Robin Morgan
- Rodney King
- Roger White
- Rona Fernandez
- Root Cause March for Global Justice
- Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
- Ruckus
- Rural Organizing Project
- Sam Mbah
- San Francisco
- Sarwat Viquar
- School of the Americas Watch
- School of Unity and Liberation
- Seattle
- self-determination
- September 11
- settler
- settlers
- Settlers: Mythology of the White Proletariat
- sexism
- sexual abuse
- sexualization
- Shades of Power
- Sharon Martina
- Sharon Martinas
- Sharon Venne
- slavery
- social movement
- solidarity
- Solidarity Across Borders
- Solidarity and Kersplebedeb
- Sonja S.
- Sonja Sivesind
- South Africa
- spokescouncil
- Stand Up New York
- Stefan Christoff
- Stephanie Guilloud
- Steve Stewart
- Strategic Resistance
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
- student organizing
- Students Transforming and Resisting Corporations
- summit
- Sunera Thobani
- sweatshop
- Ted Glick
- The Activist
- The Arsenal
- The Female Species
- The Pioneer
- The War Times Organizing Committee
- Third World
- Tim Wise
- tokenism
- Toronto
- training
- trans
- transgender
- Trans Health Conferenc
- Turtle Island
- United Anarchist Front
- United For a Fair Economy
- United for Peace and Justice
- United Nations World Conference Against Racism
- United Students Against Sweatshops
- University of Wisconsin
- Ustawi
- Veterans against the War
- W.E.B. Du Bois
- Wahu Kaara
- war
- Ward Churchill
- War in Iraq
- war on Iraq
- war on terrorism
- war resisters
- War Times
- War Times/Tiempo de Guerras Organizing Committee
- Weather Underground
- welfare
- white
- white activist
- white privilege
- white supremacy
- William Upski Wimsatt
- WireTap Magazine
- With J. Sakai
- woman of color
- workshop
- World Bank
- World Development Movement Report
- youth
- Youth Action Network
- Yutaka Dirks
- Yves Coleman
- Zapatistas
- Zen
- zine
- Znet
Definitions for the Revolution
- Power Imbalance
When certain groups or individuals are privilege to unearned power, which places them in a dominant position in relation to other members of society. Involves the power over others, such that certain groups may be accorded a certain amount of … Continue reading →