The Colours of Resistance Archive is a collection of analysis and tools for liberatory organizing and movement-building.

Topic: anti-racist

25 ways to tokenize or alienate a non-white person around you (or, 25 examples of the racism we witness on a regular basis)

1. walk up to that black girl you barely know in the co-op and say “what do you think of the new (insert hip-hop artist here) album.” 2. ask one of the only arabs in your community to write the … Continue reading

Tools for White Guys who are Working for Social Change and other people socialized in a society based on domination

1. Practice noticing who’s in the room at meetings – how many gender privileged men (biological men), how many women, how many transgendered people, how many white people, how many people of color, is it majority heterosexual, are there out … Continue reading

Reflections and Thoughts on White Anti-Racist Organizing from radicals of color and white anti-racists

1. maria poblet, housing rights organizer in the immigrant latino community white people need to organize white people. most white radicals choose to focus their work on organizing third world communities, educating white activists, or activism with middle class people. … Continue reading

What I Wish I Knew: My Own Goals for Anti-Racist Practice

These are some principles that I’ve developed for myself so that I can stay focused on actually doing anti-racist work, rather than thinking and talking about it a whole lot. These all come straight from lessons I’ve learned from my … Continue reading

Still We Rise: conversations with organizers on building global justice movement and ending war

“We don’t have much time, we need to slow down.” The first time I heard this was at an antiwar coalition meeting shortly after the bombing of Afghanistan started. The African American organizer who said it was talking about the … Continue reading