Topic: Patricia Hill Collins
Looking to the Light of Freedom: Lessons from the Civil Rights Movement and Thoughts on Anarchist Organizing
When thinking about organizing, about the possibilities for movement building, about the potential of challenging injustice and fundamentally altering the relationships of power in this society – my mind turns to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s and 60’s. … Continue reading
Beyond Welfare Queens: developing a race, class and gender analysis of Welfare and Welfare Reform
In 1996 the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act became law and dismantled the 61 year old program of federally guaranteed Aid to Families with Dependent Children or what is common referred to as welfare. The debate surrounding welfare reform … Continue reading
White Supremacy On My Mind: Learning To Undermine Racism
Growing up in California and coming of political age in the 90’s, race has been a central factor in my development as a person and as a radical. California elections have been the battle ground upon which fights over immigrant … Continue reading