The Colours of Resistance Archive is a collection of analysis and tools for liberatory organizing and movement-building.

Topic: racism

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Racism and Presidential Elections Since 1964: A Short History

(The brief overview below is largely drawn from two books, The Great Wells of Democracy, by Manning Marable, and Nixon’s Piano: Presidents and Racial Politics from Washington to Clinton, by Kenneth O’Reilly. This is a modified version of a presentation … Continue reading

White Supremacy On My Mind: Learning To Undermine Racism

Growing up in California and coming of political age in the 90’s, race has been a central factor in my development as a person and as a radical. California elections have been the battle ground upon which fights over immigrant … Continue reading

Anti-Racist Revolutions

Institutionalized Racism lives and breathes a healthy life here in the good old United States. If you’re white, like me, you can easily miss it even when it brushes your shoulder or screams in your ear. I wouldn’t have been … Continue reading

Whiteness, Organizing, and Allies

[Note: This piece was written in response to an email debate among student anti-war organizers focusing on how the movement after Sept.11 was perpetuating racism.] First of all, I’d like to thank Chantel and the other organizers of color who … Continue reading

Leslie Feinberg’s Speech at the Al-Fatiha Retreat

Leslie Feinberg gave this speech at the Al-Fatiha international retreat in Washington DC in the spring of 2002. The community event featured Joo-Hyun Kang of the Audre Lorde Project and Surina Khan of the International Gay and Lesbian Task Force … Continue reading

War Times Response to Open Letter on Racism in Antiwar Movement

Dear friends, We at War Times believe that the “Open Letter to Activists Concerning Racism in the Anti-War Movement” recently issued by New York City activists provides our movement with a great opportunity. Its specific examples of the racism problem … Continue reading

For a Democratic Vision to Fight Empire

How do we use the Presidential election to not only advance our politics and build our organizations and movements, but also deliver a measurable blow to US imperialist power? This is the question I hear over and over again. Our … Continue reading

War Times: History, Evaluation, Lessons, Future

War Times/Tiempo de Guerras, a nationwide, free, bilingual (Spanish and English), antiwar newspaper, produced 19 issues (distributing roughly 100,000 copies of each) between February 2002 and the suspension of publication in October 2004. Below the War Times/Tiempo de Guerras Organizing … Continue reading

Not Showing Up: Blacks, Military Recruitment & Antiwar Movement

Courtesy of the March/April 2006 issue of the Nonviolent Activist. When I was the Southern Region Coordinator for Critical Resistance I once spoke at an event in New Orleans entitled “What Now: War, Occupation, and the Peace Movement.” I was … Continue reading

Our Home on Native Land

Canada is a country which prides itself on its efforts in ‘peace-building’, always taking care to distinguish its ‘peace-building’ efforts from similar efforts as claimed by its southern neighbour. Abroad, this peace-building translates into ‘supporting sustainable development in order to … Continue reading

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