The Colours of Resistance Archive is a collection of analysis and tools for liberatory organizing and movement-building.

Topic: critical resistance

Activists of Color in the New Movement: Lessons From RNC Organizing

This article was first published in Freedom Road’s pamphlet, This Globe is OURS: Uniting the People against Imperialist Globalization. In recognition of the overwhelming whiteness of the new movement against imperialism that got its media debut last fall in Seattle, … Continue reading

‘Forging a Movement on Shifting Ground’: reflections on anti-racism as a catalyst for global justice organizing

“It’s like coming home”, I thought as over 600 people converged at this year’s National Organizers Alliance (NOA) Gathering in Sonoma, California. NOA’s mission is “To advance progressive organizing for social, economic and environmental justice, and to support, challenge and … Continue reading

Like Prisons? You’ll Love Globalization. Like Globalization? You’ll Love Prisons

The connections between the prison industrial complex and corporate globalization The past five years have seen a dramatic upswing in activism in the United States against the varied manifestations of both the prison industrial complex (PIC) and corporate globalization. This … Continue reading