The Colours of Resistance Archive is a collection of analysis and tools for liberatory organizing and movement-building.

Topic: RNC

Activists of Color in the New Movement: Lessons From RNC Organizing

This article was first published in Freedom Road’s pamphlet, This Globe is OURS: Uniting the People against Imperialist Globalization. In recognition of the overwhelming whiteness of the new movement against imperialism that got its media debut last fall in Seattle, … Continue reading

Resistance Without Reservation!

As hundreds of thousands gather in New York to protest the Republican National Convention at the end of August, a smaller and less historic but perhaps more profound convergence will be taking place in the interior of British Columbia. More … Continue reading

Who Needs Ends When We’ve got Such Bitchin’ Means?

The years since the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks have been an incredibly difficult time and context for radicals of any stripe to organize in. The situation has been that much more difficult for the global justice movement, emerging … Continue reading